Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Predictions for Tonight (The Executive)

You may notice I have candidates finishing in different places then I supported them (ie, I may have supported a candidate and predict them to finish second or something). And to spice it up, I even pick percentage of votes. So if I end up getting everything right: I will be taking an impromtu trip to Las Vegas for Reading Week.

VP Student Affairs

Michele Lamarche:
Yes: 94%
No: 6%

VP University Affairs

Ted Horton 61%
Sidney Loko 7%
Jeremy Stuart 19%
Cameron Montgomery 13%

VP Social

Alex Chaput 73%
Jean Guillaume 27%

VP Communications

Julie Seguin:
Yes: 61%
No: 39%

VP Finance

Roxanne Dubois 54%
Maureen Hasinoff 46%

SFUO President

Renaud-Philippe Garner 39%
Marc Kelly 2%
Tyler Steeves 23%
Seamus Wolfe 36%


  1. Completely agreed on the Presidential side. I definitely see that kind of distribution happening.
    University affairs will be MUCH closer than that. I see it more of a split like president.

    VP Social I think would be much much closer.
    Why such closeness for finance? I'd think that Roxanne had more of a lead.

    And I doubt that many people would say no to Julie, whether there was a no campaign or not. Seamus had some heavy opposition last year and I think he barely got 10% no's. So if anything, maybe she'll go up to 15-20%, but even there I think it's exaggerated.

  2. When I was trying to make my picks, I kept remembering prevous finishes. And how close they actually were. ie, In 2007, Pam Hrick won by 15(!) votes. Last year, Blake Thibault was able to amass 21.6% of the vote running against Seamus. I think you are thinking of Roxanne, who ran unopposed and got 10% no's. I remember thinking at the time, "there are almost 300 people who would rather choose no than vote for her? What does that mean?" And I can't recall any No Campaign. But yeah, the Yes/No votes are tricky, it's almost impossible to gauge the actual percentage.

    I put Chaput so high, because I have seen very little of Jean Guillaume around. As well, it will take a lot for him to recover from the u101 week "open events" language issue.

    I woudl be pleased if the VP UA were closer, I just see Ted having the name recognition. I personally voted and supported Jeremy, but I see Ted doing a lot to get his face and name everywhere.

  3. Good discussion here :)
    Yeah, sorry I forgot that Blake's name was still on the ballot (I think he had said he dropped out though, but too late to change the ballots). But yes, Roxanne, there you go, there is generally some kind of 10% no. I've noticed the same thing for smaller student association elections, 10-20%.

    If only we could really bet on these!!
