A few quick points:
Sarah asked of the crowd who supported the Millennium Villages campaign: not ONE hand was raised. In fact, here is a link to the super awesome campaign against the levy: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=54205156079.
Tyler was impressive tonight. He is still my second pick, and I still see him finishing third. There were a lot of shots at Seamus, so that made the crowd happy. I am slightly concerned of vote splitting.
I saw Ted in a different light not standing beside Seamus. I still much perfer Jeremy's platform. Yed has this bit about helping students living off campus in the dealing with landlords and making sure they know their rights. While I like that idea, I would perfer a shift towards getting more space in residence. In some universities if you are accepted you are guarenteed residence for your four years. That is revenue that the university is throwing away.
I will post my thoughts in the BOG, Senate, and BOA tomorrow.
Quote of the night: "They're all going AGAIN??"
And once again I will reaffirm my choice for President, Renaud-Philippe Garner:
I will post something more on that tomorrow. Something like a "Why I'm voting R-P G" maybe, who knows, I`m a freaking maverick.
I feel so out of the loop...how did everyone hear about this?