Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I was asked last night at the Oak where my posts about the BOA were. I kinda answered that I really don't like the BOA and thus had no opinion on it. But I was going to write something on the BOA itself. If few students know what the BOA does, it meaans that things have to change. It's time for reform.

This ethics committee that RPG wants to start, that most candidates seem to like (ethics seems to be one of the many buzz-words this campaign), well the BOA should be that ethics committee. The Exec should not be on the BOA. They can go, they can have very limited speaking rights, but they under no circumstances should have a vote. We call ourselves a Federation, but really, we are using that term loosely. We are like a Presidential system with Federated Bodies. It would be like the President of the United States having a Vote in Congress or the Senate.

Thus the BOA should be totally separate from the SFUO exec. That's all I want to say about BOA reform for now. If someone wants to work on a solution to the BOA, I am all for it!

There are however, 11 candidates to choose from. I was contemplating a run for BOA earlier in the year, but for various reasons decided to not run. So who am I supporting, well, it does not really matter who you choose. I like the people who spoke at the function last night, so they will likely get my vote, but thats only 3 or 4. Who knows! Like I said, I'm a freakin maverick!

BOG: I will likely support Austin, since I didn't really like Amy's question during the debates. And also don't like her platform, and Austin speaks truth in his rhetoric. ie, Class sizes. Seminars of 75 are wayyy to big.

Senate: Likely voting for Kyle. Why? We do need more course opportunities at uOttawa. Will it happen? Doubtful, but if we don't try we will never get.


  1. Austin for BOG?! Seriously? That guy is a joke. He has skirted his responsibilities since the beginning of his career in student politics, and I don't think that is about to change.

    Something like, what, 60% of the PIDSSA student body voted to impeach him? Too bad there was a 2/3rds majority rule. He's a terrible candidate. Really, I'm surprised he even decided to run at all after that last fiasco.

  2. History is just that. PIDSSA does not equate to the BOG for one.
    If I am correct in saying this, he WASN'T impeached, and not punished for anything?
    I broke down each candidates platform and message, as well as their delivery. After that I used their behaviour and actions during the campaign to solidify my decision.
