Thursday, February 12, 2009

How are our priorities set up?

So the polls close tonight at 9pm. But we have to wait until 12 for the results? Wasn't one of the reasons we switched to online voting the ability to have immediate results? So why are we not getting the results at the right time? I am told it is because the Arts Students are having an event at 1848 from 9-12, so the elections wrap party will go after it.

So . . . Absurd anyone?

We are led to believe by this huge IWillVote campaign that voting is important. That this SFUO affects every single one of us. We are given incentives to get involved and it has never been easier to get informed. But the results are being delayed because of an iPod Battle?

I know the event is a fundraiser for Relay for Life. But I also know that event could be held tomorrow.

I haven't decided what I am going to do. I don't want to go to the iPod battle, but I want to be there when the results are released. I also don't want to pay $5 to get into a bar that's going to be too full and too loud. I also don't want to sit somewhere until midnight to get in after the iPod Battle. This is lame. Way to go folks.


  1. Points from the past years: they have always said midnight, but typically results came around 1-2 am.
    I think it's good for them to say midnight, to have that leeway in case it takes longer than they thought. They can probably take the time to check that everything went according to plan. They can prepare an awesome powerpoint presentation with all the results. They can prepare a song and dance number.
    Really, only good can come from that 3 hours.

  2. WELL....with the ol' paper system, it was automatic recount if things were REALLY close, and believe me they are sometimes. They hold back the results because once they're in people start leaving, so they keep them back to let everyone socialize a little, shake hands, all that jazz. It's mostly to build up the anticipation and see if anyone has a coronary thrombosis before the results are actually announced. It's all a coy game, but a fitting end methinks.

  3. Arts booked 1848 for this event in August.

  4. If you do not want to go inside and pay 5$, I do not blame you. You can wait at the Terminus and receive the results.

    The results never, and I mean never, came out before 1-2AM. The fact that it is midnight this year is a step up.

    If someone feels uncomfortable going to the 1848, the results will also be published online, as we announce them tonight.

    So no pressure Ken.

    Keep up the great work on the blog.

  5. Hey Wassim:
    The results were never released until that late because it took time to count them. We have the results immediately when the polls close. No possibility for recounts or any shenanigans like that. As I pointed out, one of the incentives given for switching to e-voting was so we could theoretically have the results BEFORE 1 or 2AM.

    I am going to go to 1848 and give it a shot. Hopefully I am not dissapointed.

  6. Also, the candidates need time to take down the posters all over campus as of 9pm. The elections office states that they will not release results until all elections materials have been removed.

  7. @Michele That makes me happy I'm not a candidate or volunteer!
